The Lost Pond Trail is an easy, short trail through a managed block of State Forest, with a Lost Pond, a small, beautiful vernal pool, during the spring only.
From Trailhead 2, the trail joins a woods road, ascends a slight rise, and then leaves the main woods road and bears left on a lesser-used road that approaches. The trail eventually runs along the remnants of an old stone wall. The blue blazed trails must be followed carefully as many old logging roads cross the path. Over the rise, the trail splits, with one branch turning sharply north, again along a stone wall. The branch to the east continues for about 200 feet to where the Camp Hadley Trail joins from the south, and then to where, in another 200 feet, it terminates at a small pool, in springtime, near the State Forest border. Lost Pond, a small vernal pool, is bordered on both sides by stone walls and often contains many spotted salamander egg masses in spring.
Where the trail splits north (right), the trail follows the stone wall along state forest boundary. Logging in this area has created the open character of the stand. Here, there is an abundance of regeneration of birch and especially of beech sprouts. The trail soon joins with the Jefferson Park Trail and turns left (west) along Old Ridge Road, bounded on both sides by stone walls, to trailhead 1 near the Church of Latter Day Saints. The trail follows along Warpas Road and returns to Trailhead 2.
From I-95, take Exit 61 (Durham Hill Road and Route 79). Proceed north on Route 79 then take a left onto Green Hill Road. Take a right onto Copse Road and bear right when it becomes Warpas Road. Park at one of the trailheads along Warpas Road.
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