The trail entrance offers two options. There is a short extension north of Blinnshed Road which passes an old, stone-lined fire pond. This section soon joins the Blinnshed Loop.
The main trail proceeds south behind the Country Day School, along the west shoulder of a ridge that slopes to a wetland. Here, the forest contains large oaks, beech, and tulip poplar trees. Soon the trail enters State Forest where the presence of tree stumps indicates that this forest is under active management. At the rocky end of a ridge, descend a series of “plateaus” to near the wetland. Skunk cabbage, false hellebore, and spicebush clearly delineate the wetland in early spring, and marsh marigolds occur on the banks of moving riverlets. The trail crosses one small stream, and then another a few yards beyond, on cedar log bridges. Soon, a crossing path (not blazed) leads southward past several excellent vernal pools.
The blazed trail soon ascends the edge of a large glacier-smoothed outcrop. The trail descends the rock to another wet swale with a fine cedar log crossing. In marked contrast to the oak-hickory woods on the drier ridges, yellow birch and red maple dominate the narrow, cooler wetland swales.
The trail climbs once more over a series of low, rocky ridges and then, close by the State Forest boundary. At this point on the trail, there are beautiful views of the Neck River as it enters from the west below. The trail then descends the last ridge into the opening created by a powerline right-of-way. This opening is crossed by the Neck River. Deer can often be seen here, especially in the early evening.
Blue blazes on rocks and the nearby power pole point the way across and out of the opening. Near the pole, the trail splits—turning either south into the woods and along the river, or east into the woods and along a woods road trail to eventually join the Neck River Trail. This point where the trail divides is the base of a loop.
The trail south follows the meandering river. Eventually, near a quiet pool, swing sharply east away from the river, and then north across a rocky swale and to the junction with a logging road. This is the junction with the Neck River Trail which leads to the east (right). To the west, Trail #2 leads back to the loop base near the river and powerline opening. The Blinnshed Ridge Trail passes through forest communities typical of our region. Special features include several ridges alternating with narrow valley wetlands, a massive rock outcrop, and a beautiful section along the Neck River. There is an opportunity to extend the hike by joining either Blinnshed Loop or the Neck River Trail.
Please note that the northern-most portion of this trail is closed between 8:00am and 5:00pm during the week.
This portion of the trail crosses the property of The Country School. The school has requested that hikers refrain from crossing their campus during the day to help them maintain a closed campus for the security of their young students.
Opening Hill Road can be accessed off Durham Road (Route 79) directly from the north or from the south from Warpas Road, to Winterhill Road and finally connecting to Opening Hill. Continue on Opening Hill until it splits right into Blinnshed Road. Parking is on the right side of the road, opposite the beginning of the trail.
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