Newton Road Park includes a series of brooks that form the headwaters of the eastern branch of the Wepawaug River which serves as a habitat for many birds, reptiles, deer and other wildlife.
There are three main trails, marked with signs, to hike and enjoy, as well as some small foot bridges and boardwalk areas, and a small picnic area. These are relatively short, easy hikes on predominantly flat terrain with just one gentle slope. All trails are clearly marked for ease of use. Visitors are welcome year-round to engage in hiking, nature and fauna observing, photography.
During the mid-1980’s, the Town required developers to donate a percentage of the land on which they build. Over the years, through more public/private land donations, the area grew large enough to support hiking trails. A key acquisition was the parcel at #7 Hampton Drive as it provided for a safe access point to the park. The Woodbridge Park Association, established in 1928, is the trustee for the now 20+ acre Newton Road Park.
Take Newton Road to Hampton Drive. Look for signage to park entrance.
The best parking is located at #7 Hampton Drive, where one can access the park at the Trailhead - White Trail. Additional parking may be found at Amity High School, during weekends, holidays or generally when school is not in session. There is no off-street parking on Newton Road, although access to the park is available at the Red Trailhead sign.
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