This network of trails includes two small loops that are connected on one side, allowing for a casual hike with some terrain changes. The trail offers small elevation changes of 95 feet and crosses over small creeks and surface water runoffs. Various trees throughout have small plaques identifying the type of tree, what the leaves look like, and some additional data.
The trails connect to the Beebe Pond Park Loop Trail. Also worth noting is the close proximity to Mystic Market West (approximately 0.2 miles north on Route 215/Noank Road from the southeast entrance to the trail).
The preserve contains both hard and soft wood with extensive wetlands draining into the Mystic River. A 10 year Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CT DEEP) Wildlife grant to recreate an early successional habitat began late winter 2006.
This property is part of Avalonia's Hike and Seek Program scavenger hunt program!
There are two main entrances to the trails, one off Capstan Avenue (northeast entrance, ample parking on street) and one off off Route 215/Noank Road (southeast entrance, no designated parking).
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